Arts in Character

Classical Chinese Dance | Awards

Flying Apsaras

Flying Apsaras is my favorite dance out of the classical Chinese dance solos I have learned over the years. At the dance competitions of ShowStopper and StarQuest, I competed with this dance and received 1st place in the category each time. I also received the Overall 3rd Place Championship at 2019 ShowStopper National Finals, hosted in Galveston, TX. My performances were featured by both the ShowStopper official Instagram and the StarQuest official Instagram.

Flying apsaras, which translates to 飞天, is a flying godlike figure depicted in murals found in Chinese temples and grottos. Originating in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, these illustrations reached their peak during the Tang Dynasty in ancient China.

On the Loving of Lotus

The lotus is a type of flower that represents beauty in China. As a result, this dance derives from a poem describing the quaint, graceful beauty of the lotus flower. This poem was written during the Song Dynasty by Zhou DunYi (周敦颐) in 1063. Through the music, choreography, and costume, the image of a lotus is represented.

Awards and Certificates