Arts in Character


WE ARE ALL HOMELESS (WAAH) is a long-term art project started by professor Willie Baronet of SMU (Southern Methodist University) Meadows School of the Arts since 1993. He has bought and collected around 1300 homeless signs across the country from 24 cities. All homeless signs were used to create installations and raise awareness about the issue of homelessness. He has done exhibits featuring these signs across the U.S. and the UK, and this project has been featured in dozens of international and local medias. I feel honored to have the opportunity to join Professor Baronet’s team, which includes his students from CA, NY, and other states as well. I meet with the team periodically to help out with preparing for exhibits, continue the goal of raising awareness about homelessness, and use my experience with art to create project that further the cause.

Inspired by WAAH, the artwork below demonstrates how seeing the exhibitions of the homeless signs helped me to realize that behind each sign is an unique individual who has their own story to tell.  To portray this meaning, I depicted the homeless signs in my line of vision as colorful rather than the usual brown color of cardboard, which parallels how people have different personalities.

WAAH is a project that strives to raise awareness about the stories behind those who are homeless and uses donations to further their mission. While a portion of the money I earn from teaching fine arts lessons is donated to my fundraiser to fight against COVID-19, rest is donated to WAAH. You are also welcome to donate my fundraiser or WAAH.